With the current pandemic stranding everyone in their houses, they’re inevitably exposed to sedentary stress. So, most of them want to do something and arrange their cabinets, storage compartments, and other house spaces.
But why is that happening? Is there a deep connection between organizing stuff to maintaining a healthy mind?
Clinical psychologist and founder of Social Growth Center, Lucy Vo, explains why this is happening in most homes during the pandemic. She said that it’s about trying to cope with the pandemic’s stress and its effects on society.
Many started cleaning their homes to clear their minds to not fall to paranoia on the current situation. Vo added that this action is an innate desire to remove and control everything one can get his or her hands into.
The author of What Now? Mindfulness for Your Twenties and Beyond, Yael Shy, also explained that decluttering aids in coping during uncertain periods. While there are external factors to it, Shy said that it’s about removing anything that can cause grief or stress.
Both agreed that organizing and arranging stuff at home helps everyone get away with the pandemic’s stress and enjoy the isolation without getting frantic about it.
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